Today, for the first time in a while, I slowed down.
The everyday race did not control me as much as usually. And I think this is correlated: I did not feel the urge to consume as much. To eat, to drink, to buy...
When you are never anchored in the now, but always striving towards a future goal, you keep planning and wanting new things. You never stop to realize you actually don't need much. That old Baloo from the Jungle Book had it all figured out.
We are dissatisfied because we are unable of being satisfied with the present, with what we already have. So we need more, we need new, we need better. Of course, advertisements won't tell you that. It is precisely this dissatisfaction that feeds capitalism. Who will buy if not the frustrated part of us?
Sure why make a generality out of what I personally feel? Maybe because we are all moulded by the consumerist society we grew up in, Vast question to make out what is innate and what is shaped. But no matter who the culprit is, we have made our happiness depend on what we have. As hard as it is to accept, there is some truth to it. Good news is it is not fixed, we can change this once we've accepted it, that is.
Song courtesy of Mr Louis Armstrong. Source: Disney Corporation